Saturday 27 November 2010

Environment Concepts.

 Here is my first and finalized landscape for my Kitchen environment. As previously stated i wanted my levels to be as interactive for the player as possible. That is why i have made extra effort to add all sorts of kitchen related objects into the design, whilst also not over crowding it. I used the similar process for the character designs in terms of outlining and applying colour with tone. however, this  time i added some smoke and splatter brushes to give the area more texture and life. Also i used a low opacity brush at about 7% and used it to shadow on the work surface, and tiles behind the objects. I did this because i wanted to give the scene more visual depth so although the game is 2D, i wanted some 3D elements in there as well.

This is my second landscape. Here is a scene from our living room, which is the TV unit. I used this different scene so there would be a broader spectrum of objects to interact with. Within keeping this frame of work, i can incorporate different objects relating to different environment, So the player has different objects to play with all the time. I made this particular scene a bit larger and more enclosed than the last, as i thought it would be good to have zoomed in areas as well as full surfaces. This could be used as a smaller map variant, which would make the combat more intense. The closer you are with your opponent, the hotter the battle. The only different subject within this particular production, is that i added noise to the screen of the TV some static, and also to add some sort of realism.

This is a bathroom sketch i did on the computer using the pen tool to make the outlines and curves. I just wanted to vary what maps i could potentially use, so i did a couple of sketches just to experiment with different playing fields. I used the bathroom sink in this case, with toothbrushes, a tap , soap and a sponge submitted in water. All in which would be interactive amongst the players. Such as riding the sponge, squirting soap that would make slippery surfaces, or produce bubbles to hide yourself, etc. I am still keeping the elements of each room in the house, by relating the objects to it.

Here is my final sketch for possible map designs. I really liked the idea of having my characters fight in a study environment, for the factor it is where i spend a lot of my time doing this project. So in a sense i gained inspiration to make a map from it, as i myself can relate to that sector of my house more so than any other room. This made me think of what rooms the player would favour depending on objects and items you could interact with. For this certain space, i thought of having a computer with monitor, tower, keyboard and mouse that all would be interactive for the player. Such as typing  on the keys of the keyboard, or jumping  on the eject button to open the disc drive etc. I also added a window with a curtain and a can of drink, to add more depth of field to the 2D environment. Adding more space means more space to play, but i had to be careful to not overcrowd that space with objects. 

Overall i really enjoyed making the landscapes for my apple concept. I considered myself to not be very good at making landscaping designs, but after research and close attention to primary  resources i believe i did a good job :) I think i achieved the right level of objects and space in each level, so that each character can move fluidly within the map.

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