Saturday 27 November 2010


As one of the key features within my game concept, i decided to make all the characters have their own unique weapons that are unlockable depending on your progression through  a match. For example if you land a lot of hits onto your opponent without getting hit back, you fill a weapons meter in which once it is full you can tap a 'weapon' icon in which selects it. Your weapon will be unique to your character and will aid drastically within battle. Here is 'Bob's" weapon which is a 2x4 piece of wood with nails in the top. I made this his weapon because it is quite primitive and matches his personality. The weapon itself is similar to a club in which cave men used to use, so the relation there links the brain span of both species.

Here is 'Frankie's' weapon, something i like to call the 'Battery Gun'. I chose this concept because Frankenstein was bought to life through a surge of powerful electricity, so i wanted to keep that element within my character structure. But to make it funnier and more modern, i added two cell batteries together to form a gun shaped implement which fires electricity.

This is 'Zilla's' weapon, which resemble the likeness of a Japanese ninja sword. When i previously mentioned how i wanted Zilla to stay true to his roots, i meant it! i want him to have that true sense of Japan, so i thought no better than to use a traditional Japanese sword as his weapon. I decided to make it a modern version. by removing the 'Tsuba' or known as the hand guard. This acts as a lighter weapon that your standard samurai, so it's easier to pick up and wave around. Perfect for Zilla i think :)
Here is the final weapon which is for 'Rex'. I found it very amusing coming up with the perfect sort of weapon for him, then it hit me . To keep that thought of him being a big mutated dog, i thought i would bring him back to a standard obedient dog, by making his weapon of choice a dog treat. I thought it was ideal for him, as although he looks rugged and tough, he really is a puppy on the inside when he gets his biscuit weapon. Even though it will raise your attack power, you can't help but chuckle at  the thought of him using it.

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