Saturday 27 November 2010

Micro Monster Fighter

For this apple project, i want to create a new type of game that i believe hasn't really been seen before. I want to make concepts for a 'Beat 'em up' genre game called 'Micro Monster Fighter' where you play as your favourite traditional horror characters and battle to find who is the most superior horror icon of all time. Once i thought of the idea, i became really passionate about what i could do with the concept. Imagining a werewolf or Dracula fighting each other seem to appeal to me more so than others as it hasn't really been seen before: It's like the ultimate battle of some of the most traditional Halloween figures out there. However, i didn't want to keep the concept plain, i wanted to make it exciting and different from normal Beat em up genres. That is when i thought of having the plot of these characters being exported from their home environments into our own world. However, from this transport the characters get disfigured and decrease dramatically in size, and from this spawned the idea of making these figures combat within common household landscapes such as a kitchen work top or bedroom floor.

From this though i became really excited with the concept of having these little versions of these horror characters fighting in our home. I do not want this game to be a violent game, although fighting of course ensues that factor, i don't want any blood or over aggressive structures within the designs as i want my target audience to be suitable for all ages. I want to have elements for both older and younger generations so that my game can appeal to a wider audience. Parts of the game such as historical references and the combat would be favoured by the older generations, but making the game less gorey would appeal to the younger generation too. Aside from that i want to give my game a style that is similar to that of existing iPhone games. I want to everything to be designed in a cartoon vector style, where there is lots of colour and vibrancy. Keeping mind that concept of cartoon, i thought i would adapt these horror characters into cuter and more iconic ways, so they all look similar but in the same way look different. I want my characters to be recognizable and fun from my target audience's perspective, and to achieve this i have to create a new style.

Alongside the concept of these miniature figures within our households, i wanted the characters to be able to interact with every object within the match environment. I also want the objects within certain maps to react to the combat between the players, so that there is endless possibilities to how the match can end up. I also want to include some personality to the characters, by giving them all their own unique weapons that can be obtainable depending on combat outcomes. With these factors in mind, i believe i can create a unique and fun game that can be enjoy for ages for it's concept of interactivity. The whole match can be controlled by either player by incorporating these factors, and adds a new way to have fun within a beat em up genre. I think that side of the gaming industry focuses to much on the violence aspect, and less on the potential adventure that could take place. For example, in a kitchen environment, if you hit the cereal box is will tear and cereal will come out. If you knock over a bowl it could splash milk or drop out a spoon, or even swing of a cupboard handle and open it in which it reveals for areas to fight and my objects to interact with. You can play the game how you want to, and i believe with that level of control will appeal to my audience far more than any other beat em up.

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